During the one week Studio in Voi, the students undertook; a familiarization tour of the town and surrounding villages, formed work groups, identified and demarcated extent of the study area, documented the house forms and human settlements in the study areas, carried out site analysis and collected data on case studies related to the Project Design Brief. They undertook interviews in respective study areas, made free-hand sketches, using tape measures and took photographs. 

Italian Design Day Seminar/Talk

The Department of Architecture in collaboration with the Italian Cultural
Institute hosted an in-presence Seminar on the occasion of the Italian Design Day
(IDD) on March 10 2023. The venue was ADD 6 th Year Studio. The theme of the
Seminar was “The quality that illuminates. The energy of design for people and
the environment”

Italian Design Day Seminar

Today (10/3/2023) the Department of Architecture in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute will host an in-presence Seminar on the occasion of the Italian Design Day (IDD) from 11.00am. The venue will be ADD 6th Year Studio. The theme will be “The quality that illuminates. The energy of design for people and the environment”. 


Wednesday Architectural Talk/Seminar - Prof. Jörg joppien and Dipl. Ing. Wolfgang

The Department in collaboration with the Technische Universität Dresden — TU Dresden today Wednesday 8th March 2023, hosted Prof. Jörg joppien and Dipl. Ing. Wolfgang

The duo shared with the students on residential buildings in Berlin and solar panels on max-schmeling-hall.

After the main presentation the guests had an interaction with the students present.

Present during the presentation were Arch. Musau Kimeu, Dr. Antony Ralwala, Arch. Margret Njoroge, Joseph Nzue and students of Architecture.