Education is seen as the primary means of social mobility, national cohesion and socio-economic development. Since independence the Government of Kenya has been committed to the provision of education to the citizens. Kenya like other parts of the world has experienced the impact of globalization, increasing interdependence between and within states and the need for people to become responsible citizens both nationally and internationally. However, there is a major challenge when it comes to providing education to those who live in hard to reach rural areas. Most schools in the rural areas, especially in the arid and semi-arid areas are located next to the populated towns making it difficult for children living far from those towns to access educational facilities. Taita-Taveta County lies approximately 200 km northwest of Mombasa and 360 km southeast of Nairobi.
The capital is Mwatate even though it is the fourth-largest town in the county after Voi, Wundanyi and Taveta in that order. The population of the county is well over 340,000 persons with population densities ranging from 3 persons per km2 to more than 800 persons per km2. This is due to the varied rainfall and terrain with the lower zones receiving an average 440 mm of rain Figure 1.1: Map showing location map of Taita Taveta Source: 3 VIABILITY OF LOW COST SCHOOL DESIGN per annum and the highland areas receiving up to 1900 mm of rain. The range rises in altitude from 500 m above sea level to almost 2,300 m at Vuria peak which is the highest.