Student Name
Kandie Sharon
Project Supervisor
Arch Caleb Mutali
Degree Programme
Registration Number
Academic Year
Project year
6th year

The quality of learning goes hand in hand with the quality of learning spaces. Children should be able to learn in appropriate conducive environments. Ideal learning spaces for the primary school child should align to their needs and the pedagogy. Teaching methods have evolved to a learner centered approach emphasizing on collaborative, online and informal learning. Consequently, learning spaces have evolved to accomodate new teaching and learning activities. However, in most local schools, the design of learning spaces and its impact on learner outcomes is not internalised by the designers. The quality of learning spaces is disregarded and in its place quantity becomes more important. To design for the primary school learning space, it is important to understand the child, how they perceive space and how they learn. An understanding of the pedagogy is crucial too so that appropriate spaces are provided for the activities to be accomodated. An understanding

of these will help identify and recommend qualities and aspects of architectural spaces that conform to the child, the current pedagogy and 21st Century learning space needs. The research undertook a case study methodology in the urban context where it analyses the different schools and how the spaces align to the Kenyan policies, the child, the pedagogy and 21st century learning space needs. The results of the research have been summed up leading to conclusions and recommendations of ideal learning spaces for the current pedagogy and the 21st century learner.