A review of the potential security threats to airport terminals shows that new techniques are required that will solve the problem of insecurity. Security strategies that will physically and spatially protect the airport terminal for instance from of a bomb explosion are been adopted. These strategies employ the concept of hardening building components and proper spatial definition of security areas. Several methods of implementing these remediation strategies have been described. These methods include facade and perimeter protection, column reinforcement, sufficient lighting and surveillance. An important element in protecting the airport terminal is providing the adequate standoff distance from access roads and parking areas where vehicles loaded with explosives might be used. The analysis showed that physical reinforcements increases the blast resistance of the building components. However, the physical reinforcements especially use of materials such as Kevlar and steel jackets limits the design. The analysis is presented in such that they can be used as an aid to the design of airport terminals. This study was conducted by analyzing two airport terminals ; Terminal 1A at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport and Terminal 4 at Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport. The security strategies used in these two terminals were critically analyzed and conclusions drawn up. Concluding from that, it is recommended that for an airport terminal to have an effective security design, it needs to have an efficient surveillance system, a good space syntax and well defined territoriality.
Student Name
Project Supervisor
Prof. Jerry Magutu.
Degree Programme
Registration Number
Academic Year