Course Code: BAR 201
Objective of the Course: To introduce students to the construction process of structures with emphasis on key elements like foundations, exterior wall, columns, beams and slabs.
Course Outline: Lectures that will cover construction process, Earthworks, foundations, exterior wall construction; materials like stone, brick, block composite walls, cavity walls, concrete framing; elements like columns, beams, slabs. Introduction for one family house.
Learning Methods: Lectures and presentations
Evaluation Method: The students are expected to carry out written assignments, case studies or exercises and sit for a continuous assessment test(s)
Final Examination: At the end of semester students are to sit for a two hour written examination
Learning Resources: Students are expected to refer to Building services, technology and design by Greeno, Roger, Building services design: a systemic approach to decision-making by Thomas W. Maver, Building services and equipment by Hall, Fred
Course Code: BAR 203
Objective of the Course: To introduce students aspects of Western architecture and urbanism from the earliest times until the end of Middle Ages as well as theories behind the origin of the modern movement.
Course Outline: Lectures to cover characteristics of western architecture and urbanism from the earliest times until the end of the Middle Ages; the theories behind the origin of the modern movement emphasising the various interpretations of functionalism and its opposition, e.g. art deco, classicism.
Learning Methods: Lectures and presentations
Evaluation Method: The students are expected to carry out written assignments, case studies or exercises and sit for a continuous assessment test(s)
Final Examination: At the end of semester students are to sit for a two hour written examination
Learning Resources: Students are expected to refer to Architecture : an introduction to the history and theory of the art of building by Lethaby, William Richard, A History of architecture by Statham, Henry Heathcote, A History of architectural development by Simpson, Frederick Moore
Course Code: BAR 205
Course Title: BUILDING SCIENCE 1 (Thermal Design) 45 Hrs.
Objective of the Course: To have students appreciate concept of comfort and stress and the need for environmental control in architecture.
Course Outline: Lectures that covers concept of comfort and stress; importance of environmental control in architecture; human thermal balance and the physiological control; thermal indices and criteria for thermal comfort; thermal design, thermal units, theory of heat flow, thermal properties of materials, heat flow in buildings, steady state and periodic flow; climatological site analysis and application of thermal comfort indices at planning and sketch design stage; heat control, solar radiation and shading devices; solar energy and its application in Architecture; ventilation in buildings; natural and artificial ventilation; and air conditioning in buildings.
Learning Methods: Lectures and presentations
Evaluation Method: The students are expected to carry out written assignments, case studies or exercises and sit for a continuous assessment test(s)
Final Examination: At the end of semester students are to sit for a two hour written examination
Learning Resources: Students are expected to refer to Mitchell's practical thermal design in buildings by Burberry, Peter, Thermal design of buildings; a guide to economically sound thermal design of heated, air conditioned, or refrigerated buildings for use by architects, home builders, and building owners during preliminary design stages by Rogers, Tyler Stewart, The design and sizing of active solar thermal systems by Reddy, T. Agami
Course Code: BAR 207
Objective of the Course: To introduce the students building structural morphology and effects of structural decisions on architectural design.
Course Outline: Lectures will cover areas of designing of building structure - structural morphology; effects of structural decisions on architectural design; function, economy and aesthetics; classification of structures based on basic analysis - rigid and deformable; building structural systems and special structures; design loading for buildings to relevant specifications; concepts of wind and earthquake loading; loads as applied to engineering members - point and distributed loads; forces of deformation - Nature and effects; force transfer in components; lateral stability; introduction to statics; principles of equilibrium, types of supports reactions, free-body diagrams; resultant analysis by method of joints and graphical.
Learning Methods: Lectures
Evaluation Method: The students are expected to carry out written assignments, exercises and sit for a continuous assessment test(s)
Final Examination: At the end of semester students are to sit for a two hour written examination
Learning Resources: Students are expected to refer to Design of concrete structures by Winter, George, Building structures by Ambrose, James E., The analysis and design of light structures by Owen, John Benjamin Brynmor
Course Code: BAR 209
Objective of the Course: To have students appreciate land as man’s resource. To introduce students aspects of land-use allocation, evolution of human settlements, growth of settlements and legislation on Land, Planning and Development control.
Course Outline: Lectures to cover land-use allocation and how it is determined, evolution of human settlements and the need for planning; Regional Planning and Regional Surveys (objectives, principles and processes); urbanisation and growth of Urban settlements; urban planning and Development control (objectives, principles, processes); introduction to Legislation on Land, Planning and Development control.
Learning Methods: Lectures
Evaluation Method: The students are expected to carry out written assignments, exercises and sit for a continuous assessment test(s)
Final Examination: At the end of semester students are to sit for a two hour written examination Learning Resources: Students are expected to refer to Urban and regional planning by Hall, Peter
Geoffrey, Urban and regional planning : a system approach by Mcloughlin, J B
Course Code: BAR 213
Course Title: ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 3 180 Hrs.
Objective of the Course: Provide students with basic understanding of design process and design vocabulary through a set of graded design exercises as well as Introduction of space structure and form in architecture.
Course Outline: Studio inputs on principles of geometric, structural and spatial organization, routes of movements, image, structure and identity; characteristics and synthesis of space and form, behavior and strength of materials, spanning systems and techniques of construction; use of a varied kit of tools in architectural design and presentation e.g. Photography, freehand, technical drawing, CAD etc; computer graphics, basic modelling techniques, Space and form appreciation, Rendering techniques and presentation techniques; basic principles of photography as medium for recording observation, presentation and communication in Architecture; digital manipulation and editing of still and motion pictures.
Learning Methods: Lectures leading to research and brief formulation in a design project with the aid of Fieldwork and case studies
Evaluation Method: The students are expected to make presentations of field work and case studies. There will be continuous assessment of performance
Final Examination: At the end of semester students are to present/pin-up their portfolio works Learning Resources: Students are expected to refer to Architecture: the design experience by Stubbins and Associates, Hugh, The crit by Doidge, Charles
Course Code: BAR 202
Objective of the Course: To introduce students to material details of various building elements including doors and windows; services installations and regulations.
45 Hrs.
Course Outline: Lectures on Doors in timber and steel; windows in timber and steel; aluminum works; wall finishes and cladding, fairfaced concrete works; interior carpentry, iron walls, paving, street furniture, fountains, plasters; electrical services installation: Power, lighting, communication; fire protection, installation and regulations.
Learning Methods: Lectures
Evaluation Method: The students are expected to carry out written assignments, exercises and sit for a continuous assessment test(s)
Final Examination: At the end of semester students are to sit for a two hour written examination Learning Resources: Students are expected to refer to Building services, technology and design by
Greeno, Roger, Design and technology in architecture by Guise, David
Course Code: BAR 204
Objective of the Course: To elaborate to students the architectural history from seventeenth century to the beginning of the modern movement.
Course Outline: Lectures on the industrial revolution and its effects on the planning and architecture of cities; rebirth of city planning, New materials and processes. Revivals in Arts and Crafts Movement, Art Nouveau, Werkbund, The Chicago School etc; the Bauhaus, De Still, Futurism, C.I.A.M., Team X and the International style, Works of Modern masters; Frank .L.Wright., Le Corbusier, Louis Kahn Alva Aalto etc. 20th century architecture and western urbanism from neo-classicism to the present.
Learning Methods: Lectures
Evaluation Method: The students are expected to carry out written assignments, exercises and sit for a continuous assessment test(s)
Final Examination: At the end of semester students are to sit for a two hour written examination
Learning Resources: Students are expected to refer to Architecture : an introduction to the history and theory of the art of building by Lethaby, William Richard, The history, theory, and criticism of architecture; papers, edited by Marcus Whiffen. With a foreword by Buford L. Pickens
Course Code: BAR 206
Course Title: BUILDING SCIENCE 2 (Lighting Design) 45 Hrs.
Objective of the Course: To introduce students lighting and its properties, natural and artificial lighting analysis and design; and lighting design for specialized functions
Course Outline: Lectures to cover the visual mechanism, scotopic and photopic vision, glare and its control, lighting units; natural and artificial lighting analysis and design; lighting design for specialized functions – e.g. auditoria, theaters, studios, exhibitions etc; selection, specification and installation of light fittings.
Learning Methods: Lectures
Evaluation Method: The students are expected to carry out written assignments, exercises and sit for a continuous assessment test(s)
Final Examination: At the end of semester students are to sit for a two hour written examination
Learning Resources: Students are expected to refer to Electrical design for building construction by John E. Traister, Lighting and its design. Drawings by Donald Hanson, Lighting Design in buildings by Boud, John
Course Code: BAR 208
45 Hrs.
Objective of the Course: To introduce students to Mechanical properties of structural materials,
relationship between stress and strain, elastic constants, and concept of permissible stresses. Also, Design of structural steel work.
Course Outline: Lectures to cover areas of Approximate values. Beams-classification, SF and BM calculations for cantilever, simply-supported and over-hang beams. Deformations of beams in pure bending - Navier's theorem. Shear stresses in bending - general expression. Section properties - centroid, first and second moment of areas and radius of gyration. Section modulus. Deflection of beams. Application in rectangular, circular and 1-sections. Structures steel - properties, available structural steel sections, designation and grades. Hot rolled and cold-formed members. Design of structural steel work; principles of design by BS 449 and BS 5950. Elastic design of structural steel components: simply supported beams, columns, and angle members (purlings, cladding, sheeting, truss components.
Learning Methods: Lectures
Evaluation Method: The students are expected to carry out written assignments, exercises and sit for a continuous assessment test(s)
Final Examination: At the end of semester students are to sit for a two hour written examination
Learning Resources: Students are expected to refer to Elementary theory of structures by Grassie, James C., The theory of structures by Mills, Gordorn Manchester, Structural theory and design by Young, J. Mettardy, Structures for architects by Gauld, Bryan J.B.
Course Code: BAR 210
Objective of the Course: To introduce students to appropriate sensory mechanism of the human body Tactile, visual, audio sensory mechanisms.
Course Outline: Series of lectures to cover how to determine the amount of internal space required. Area and volume of space Vis a Vis the function characteristics of internal surface finish materials. Texture, colour, reflectance/absorbency of light and sound, durability and maintenance. Lighting application in interior design - Natural and artificial. Furniture and fittings - materials design, colour, layout. Internal circulation and space use. Presentation of interior design information.
Learning Methods: Lectures
Evaluation Method: The students are expected to carry out written assignments, exercises and sit for a continuous assessment test(s)
Final Examination: At the end of semester students are to sit for a two hour written examination
Learning Resources: Students are expected to refer to Interior spaces designed by architects by Gordon, Barclay F., Universal interior design : gracious spaces by Dobkin, Irma, Time - saver standards for interior design and space planning by Dechiara, J. Panero
Course Code: BAR 214
Course Title: ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 4 180 Hrs.
Objective of the Course: To provide students with basic understanding of design issues and design language through a set of graded design exercises.
Course Outline: Studio input to cover basic skills in the use of various materials and media for design expression. Basic understanding of design morphology, Space and form making elements, spatial and structural order, routes of movement and principles of organization. Correlation of anthropometrics and functions. Advance skills for architectural presentation and rendering techniques. Use of thumb sketches, thematic sketches, axonometric and perspectives models etc. In design formulation and presentation. Advanced skills in Computer Aided Architectural Design, drafting, rendering and presentation techniques.
Learning Methods: Studio lectures and crits leading to research and brief formulation in a design project with the aid of Fieldwork and case studies
Evaluation Method: The students are expected to make presentations of field work and case studies. There will be continuous assessment of performance
Final Examination: At the end of semester students are to present/pin-up their portfolio works
Learning Resources: Students are expected to refer to Approach to architectural design by Isaac, Alan Reginald George, Architecture: the design experience by Stubbins and Associates, Hugh, Design in architecture: architecture and the human sciences by Broadbent, Geoffrey, Designing for human behavior: architecture and the behavioral sciences. Edited by Jon Lang [and others]